Creativity is changing

Creativity has always been in flux, shaped by the tools and processes available to us. But in recent years, the changes have accelerated. We often think of creativity in terms of the final output—a painting, a song, a piece of writing—but the process of creation is just as important. And that process is undergoing a transformation.

Is Process the Outcome?

Years ago, I worked as a designer. We were hired by Raid to create simple vector illustrations of kitchens to illustrate their product in use. I designed a vector illustration, by tracing over a stock image I found on the internet. We hired an illustration company to improve the quality, only to discover that they had used the same reference photo I did—tracing over it. Once we realized their process was identical to ours we didn’t really need their services anymore. We could do it ourselves. The value was knowing what you needed and knowing how to achieve it.

Technological Shifts in Creative Processes

Technology constantly reshapes creative workflows. When Flash dominated the web, designers built intricate, interactive experiences that required deep technical skill. Then HTML5 emerged, and the process changed. The shift didn’t eliminate creativity—it just redirected it. Sometimes craft and skills get lost in the shuffle.

Today, AI-driven tools like DreamBooth, Deforum, and EbSynth are altering the creative process again. What once took hours of labor-intensive effort can now be done in minutes. The question arises: if something is hard to make, does that make it better? Conversely, if something amazing was easy to create, does that reduce its value?

Creativity Is About Communication

At its core, creativity is about sharing ideas. The process matters, but the purpose remains the same—whether we’re using traditional tools or AI-powered software. The real challenge is filtering through the infinite possibilities to find the right expression.

Creativity has always been a numbers game. The more ideas you generate, the more likely you are to land on something great. Technology simply increases the number of iterations we can explore.

Lessons from Napster vs. Spotify

History offers plenty of parallels. Napster upended the music industry, making it easy to access any song instantly. The industry resisted at first, but eventually, services like Spotify found a way to balance accessibility with sustainability. Similarly, AI and automation are disrupting creative industries, but that doesn’t mean artists are obsolete—just that the landscape is evolving.

People Are Necessary

Despite all the technological advancements, one thing remains constant: people are essential. Tools can generate content, but good taste still matters. Knowing what works, what resonates, and what to pursue is a uniquely human skill. Technology might change how we create, but creativity itself isn’t going anywhere—it’s just evolving.