Traditional creative workflows are always changing, sometimes in subtle ways, and sometimes in large ways as with computers. As the lines blur between AI and traditional workflows what separates good from the mediocre? There was…
Creativity is changing
Creativity has always been in flux, shaped by the tools and processes available to us. But in recent years, the changes have accelerated. We often think of creativity in terms of the final output—a painting,…
Video Tutorials with AI Tools
You’ve probably seen these around, all AI avatars either teaching or showing off something on tiktok, youtube or your personal social video app of choice. I decided to go through the process of creating one…
How to make ‘fish’ the default shell in iTerm
Go to the menuiTerm2>Settings In the Preferences pane choose Profiles and make sure the General tab is selected. Under Command choose Custom Shell and enter:/usr/local/bin/fish Next time you launch it should enter fish automatically.
How to remove “Last login” message from iTerm
I wanted to preserve some information for future reference in my blog. This message comes up by default announcing the last login and the date. To remove it simply do the following. go to your…
Alien Interfaces – UI / UX created with AI
I recently posted to twitter inquiring about interest in showing how to build out sites designed by midjourney. This was largely inspired by some tweets by Davis Taylor Brown showcasing how midjourney could be used…
The Process and the Result
In today’s fast-paced world, the way we work and create has changed dramatically. With the rise of new technologies, processes are constantly being updated and improved, making it easier and faster to generate ideas and…
Dreamer – Chrome Extension
I’ve created a Dreamer browser extension that lets you generate new images from any image on the web. Using the API, Dreamer performs image-to-image generation directly in your browser with just a few clicks.…
Dreamer – Figma
I’m excited to announce the Dreamer Figma plugin, a powerful new tool that allows you to generate and insert unique images from text directly into your Figma documents. It also works in figjam, allowing endless…
Private platforms as public utilities
Twitter is now owned by Elon Musk. He’s purchased the brand, the code and the data. He’s purged many employees, in a rather callous and irresponsible manner. There’s a lot of fear mongering about the…