I updated XCode and my iPhone SDK today to the latest 3.2.3 and iPhone OS4 only to find that it broke my video players, so below is the code to play it the same way…
Tag: coding
flash punk 101
I've been playing recently with Chevy Ray's FlashPunk library, which can be found here. It's a 2d game library built on the premise of bitmapped data for all the speed and performance benefits that comes…
Content Management System Overview
This is just a brief summary of some of the Content Management Systems I've used and what they're good at/bad at, to hopefully help you make better decisions when deciding how to go about your…
getElementById had always been a nice way to reference attributes of an element in your html via javascript, but now with the dawn of HTML 5 you can update whole groups with the getElementsByClassName function…
Papervision3D filter notes
Typically when adding filters in papervision you have to use ViewportLayers and apply the filters to them, however this can become messy and tedious if you are applying filters to a large number of objects.…
iPhone programming without Interface Builder
Personally I'm not a fan of Interface Builder for designing layout of iPhone applications. I prefer the flexibility of having visual elements generated by code where possible. Here are some examples of how to work…
Flex Builder vs TextEdit vs FlashDevelop vs Flash’s wimpy actionscript editor
Most actionscript developers have their editor of choice FlashDevelop has it's followers who swear by it. Flex Builder has it's nice auto imports and code corrections and if you know your way around snippets, which…
Read more of Flex Builder vs TextEdit vs FlashDevelop vs Flash’s wimpy actionscript editor