As far as CSS features go this is still relatively new. Because of this, support can be spotty. So let’s check out Caniuse is a website created by a friend of mine Alexis Diveria,…
Author: cjgammon
Masking in SVG
Masking is really powerful in SVG in fact SVG has it’s own mask element specific to this purpose. <mask id=”myMask”></mask> We can add this element into our <defs> tag and then any content we add…
Masking in Canvas
Because the canvas requires manual drawing through scripting we need to leverage the 2d canvas API, through the canvas’ 2d context. Clip paths in canvas are pretty straight forward. First we simply draw a path…
Masking in GLSL
WebGL is complicated. Libraries like Three.js have made it more approachable but to do advanced effects you still need to understand the inner workings of WebGL, this includes GLSL shaders. Shaders are small programs that…
Scripting SVG in Animate CC
Snap.SVG Animator is a plugin for Animate CC that allows you to design on the timeline and export animated SVG content leveraging the Snap.svg javascript library. If you haven’t heard about Snap.SVG Animator, the plugin…
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post one.
post one! it should get more interesting from here on out.
Flex Builder vs TextEdit vs FlashDevelop vs Flash’s wimpy actionscript editor
Most actionscript developers have their editor of choice FlashDevelop has it's followers who swear by it. Flex Builder has it's nice auto imports and code corrections and if you know your way around snippets, which…
Read more of Flex Builder vs TextEdit vs FlashDevelop vs Flash’s wimpy actionscript editor
Let’s Aggregate Everything RSS Style
So it seems with RSS feeds, twitter, and quick data formatting of information where it is today we could take this model and expand it to all forms of information. For example, books, with this…
social applications begin to socialize with each other
With twitter, blog rss feeds, linkedin’s news feed, and facebook’s news feed now openly available via the facebook open stream api. Web developers will find a new world of utility at their fingertips to integrate…
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